Hand Veins

excel V+ is the latest generation laser technology for vascular and pigmentation treatments. With design input from leading dermatologists, excel V+ delivers the power, precision, and performance to safely and effectively treat indications from challenging vascular and pigmentary conditions to today’s most common skin concerns.

Our hands age faster than any other part of the body, and can easily give our age away. Although prominent hand veins are healthy veins that return blood to the heart, some may become bulgy and protrude at the back of the hand with age due to three factors:

1) Loss of skin and vein wall elasticity.
2) Loss of subcutaneous fat and collagen.
3) Water content of the tissues.

When evaluating prominent veins in the hands we also evaluate for other issues that are making them look the way they do. Three main factors that make hands look “old” include:

1) Thick bulging veins that protrude on the back of your hand.
2) Age spots.
3) Loss of tissue.

During your initial consultation, your provider will discuss different treatment options for your hand veins.